Camp Tanuga offers the full spectrum of activity choices. Campers are able to make individual decisions on what their activities will be. These choices can be independent of their cabin mates.

Land activity choices include; arts & crafts, mt. biking, rock climbing, trapeze, drama, dance, camp craft, fitness and archery.

For the Sports enthusiast; roller blade hockey, soccer, basketball, softball, aerobics, yoga, volleyball, and frisbee golf to name just a few...

At each activity sign up session, campers choose six different areas of instruction that will make up their daily schedule. There are (4) sign up sessions during the full camping season. In addition, campers will have one individual free choice (optional) period and one activity period spent with their cabin daily.

Along The Waterfront

  • Water Skiing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Wake Surfing
  • Sailing
  • Swimming
  • Laker Swims
  • Canoeing
  • River & Sea Kayaks
  • Tubing
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Fishing

Extensive instruction is offered for the very beginner to the most advanced. Each area has it's own Activity Area Leader. All instructors are Red Cross certified. Tanuga takes pride in offering the most up-to date equipment available. Every camper must pass a prerequisite swim test in order to participate in the waterfront activities.

On Land

  • Hockey
  • Mt. Biking (Trail & Single Track)
  • Futsal
  • The Climbing Wall
  • Camp Craft
  • Tennis
  • Pickleball
  • Archery / Archery Tag
  • Trapeze

The climbing wall and hockey rink provide some of Tanuga's most popular activity areas. Michigan's only flying trapeze provides campers with the chance to learn how to fly through the air with the greatest of ease.

Moving Things Inside

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Drama
  • Photography / Video
  • Nature Study
  • Dance Aerobics
  • Body Dynamics
  • Floor Hockey
  • Guitar
  • Tanu News

Indoor activity choices include arts and crafts, nature study, drama, martial arts, newspaper, aerobics, dance, yoga, photography and weight lifting among others. The arts and crafts program includes ceramics, pottery, wood burning, silk screening, tie-dyeing and more. Campers with an interest in drama put on a production, getting involved with elements of the whole performance.

Competitive Athletics

  • Softball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Lacrosse
  • Football
  • Ultimate Frisbee

Group Initiatives

Group initiatives are also influential components of Camp Tanuga. Teaching children how to work together and problem solve as a group is invaluable. These exercises can develop self confidence, trust and positive communication skills.