Well Hellloooooooo Tanuga Alumni!
This coming season, Tanuga will open the gates for the 73rd time!!
Now more than ever, we are certain that much of the success of Camp Tanuga's future lies with its past.
With each passing summer, we are reminded that the many traditions making Tanuga what it is today, stem from the generations that have come before us.
We are committed to keeping the Tanuga family connected, as well as involved.
It is through this extended family that these traditions are maintained, and the spirit and Tanuga Magic will endure.
Our goal today is to stay connected for the next 100 years, so that future generations of campers and staff members have the same feeling of belonging, to something so special, as we have.
With the many platforms that we have today, it's a simple process to keep our database up to date!
By doing so, we are able to keep in touch with our Camp Tanuga family and share all of the current and future plans for Tanu.
Even if you have done this in the past, please fill out the form below and be on our list for upcoming newsletters, reunion notices and all things Tanuga!
We look forward to updating / adding you to the list!
Check back in with us here on the Alumni page for new pics and postings.
The Tradition Continues...
Alumni Weekend Aug 8-10, 2024
We are excited to announce that Alumni Weekend is back! Please see information here: Alumni Weekend Aug 8-10, 2024.
We hope to see you there!